
If I keep walking towards the sun, I feel hotter and hotter, and getting closer to the sun... | Answer: That is an illusion

There is no such things you walking out of the Earth. The map its not flat out...its a cylinder round, you are populated on the speice survival on the surface of the Crust, to breath oxygen.  You don't get out of the sphere to live on black matter. You don't fall out of the gravity to say vaccum floating. You certainly don't meets the lines where the Heave and the Earth meets, anything to do the nature of the Temperature, those you die before you leave the Earth. There is no Iron man, double distant than already dead.

Is the geography about the world, or the Earth? The land and the water?

Geo, GPS, You speaking English? You mean the ocean contains within are the sea creature. Correct. And? So that would be part of eco-sphere. And? That is weather influences? Anything above the surface of the land or the water, its the air. Only air exist where God put the human body walking 4 limbs on the ground. Not the water. So geography its the Land? The surface of every line you see, are just the land or the be honest. So the definition of the geography, like National Geography... Its your impression whatever you see inside, or else the entire TV channel will cease to exist, you just need to challenge them is that the water, or the land, or ....the Air? You are military?

Is the geography belongs to the Climate Change?

The tectonic plates between each other, its called the Earthquake. If it errupt the vapor like lava coming out the high temperature, those vapors will...Do you know what happen to the lava after coming out, to the grape yards of someone Italian on the movies?  Its called the evacuation plans from Japan. They often do those things.... Is that the answer? I am waiting for you to tell me how to open books on the exam, I often heard those are what the Ivy League does.....

Climate Change - the Gravity

  The gravity hold the clouds down. The gravity makes the ground stay grounding sandy.... The gravity makes the water bounds to the sea floor, not turbulence to the sky every 5 minutes.  So is gravity a factor in Climate Change? Of course not. It binds things on the ground. Its a force, its not a phenomenon. Climate change is a phenomenon.

Climate Change - Moutain Wind

  Is the mountain mist, a wind type? No. Its a cloud type.

Climate Change - Water Pressure

  Is sea water pressure a climate change factor? No. Is sea water pressure just the breathing problem? Yes. Do you choke when the sea water pressure becomes too great. Do you know how to swim? Yes. No. But if your muscle got affected unconsciously, like at the deep sea, even if you are going down never know what will happen. Does the deep sea blacken? Yes. Does the sunlight penetrate to the deep sea floor if we let the sun directly expose from the top surface water. Of course not. Only the shallow water has some sunlight, in which temperature is also warmer, some biological marine life will know that as a fact.

I also update one more link from Climate Change from the 帝王制 website I make not long ago

Image Climate Change = 天氣氣候改變 (天氣變遷的意思) Global Warming =天氣暖化 Weather pattern = 氣候什麼什麼 Weather model = 氣候的系統 Location = 位置 Geographic location = 地理位置 你們在弄 This Successor you believe stuffs 如果你們是要以我是尊上為標準,我說了,公主小妹~我剛剛的 第一個 post on this blog 就在講台灣 ! 我講的很清楚 !! 天氣氣候通常有兩個字,一個叫做 Climate Change 一個叫做 Global Warming 李維的電影的媽媽跟她在說話,他被公車壓死的那個 廣場就是在講 Global Warming 這兩個字到底有什麼不一樣 !!! 因為地球冰掉的話也還是 Climate Change 暖化或是冰掉 ~都是天氣變遷 通通都是!

公主小妹 (漫畫 ) Comics book being adapted on an island from Japan 90s comics book selection, to become a Youngest Princess Name

 The ending song is this.... Looks like Red River Manga, Ankeheseamen. (赤河魅影的埃及篇) = Just few photo from Egypt Side I just gonna tell you a short story about this island starting 30 years ago. There are many lineage starting to sprouts on this tiny land, called Taiwan. Quan Yin Methods and One Taoist groups  觀音法門跟一貫道 Its actually some people sometimes care about on this Tiny one island, we have our own flag, our own National Anthem, National Flower (May Flower kinda of? 梅花 ) If you are interested to getting to know more about this drama, this TV adaptation does require your transcript. The main theme girl actually looks like one of my same High School, 中山女中 Highly competitive High school, and she was a model for commercial. How do we meet? We arrive 12 grades from our background all different, and we applied the University early, so we got admitted to the school 6 month ahead. That is how we met in the group of Operational Team to design Graduation for the High School. Others have to t