花千骨 ( 2015 )

Flower Thousand Bones = 花千骨

Trailer = 小廣告的花千骨

They do create an English version of trailer in this drama 花千骨 (2015), Its for almost all the overseas audience of Chinese descendent to come join this kind of events. 華僑華裔 !




Maybe you wish to know the exact numbers of this drama being watched. You can check with some Chinese with the exact zero means in more than millions views from the Internet when they first started to air !


 In this drama, the Honorable Superior tells you One person's life have 3 stages.

So you look at the drama to see the 3 stages of competition requirement.

長留初考 = Long Stay Entrance Test

That is from outside layman to become celestial.

While you go in there, you will have 

Celestial 1

Celestial 2 ( Lineager holder to lineager holder competition 掌門人)
