公主小妹 (漫畫 ) Comics book being adapted on an island from Japan 90s comics book selection, to become a Youngest Princess Name

 The ending song is this....

Looks like Red River Manga, Ankeheseamen. (赤河魅影的埃及篇) = Just few photo from Egypt Side

I just gonna tell you a short story about this island starting 30 years ago. There are many lineage starting to sprouts on this tiny land, called Taiwan.

Quan Yin Methods and One Taoist groups 


Its actually some people sometimes care about on this Tiny one island, we have our own flag, our own National Anthem, National Flower (May Flower kinda of? 梅花 )

If you are interested to getting to know more about this drama, this TV adaptation does require your transcript. The main theme girl actually looks like one of my same High School, 中山女中

Highly competitive High school, and she was a model for commercial.

How do we meet?

We arrive 12 grades from our background all different, and we applied the University early, so we got admitted to the school 6 month ahead. That is how we met in the group of Operational Team to design Graduation for the High School.

Others have to take another entrance exam to go to University of College.

In this TV drama, one of the questions are

    Climate Change.

And Economic structure, 

    called 4 little dragons of Asia. 亞洲四小龍 !

I hope you know your materials.




“Its actually some people sometimes care about on this Tiny one island, we have our own flag, our own National Anthem, National Flower (May Flower kinda of? 梅花 )”
Oct 10th 國慶日

