
Showing posts from May 1, 2022

If I keep walking towards the sun, I feel hotter and hotter, and getting closer to the sun... | Answer: That is an illusion

There is no such things you walking out of the Earth. The map its not flat out...its a cylinder round, you are populated on the speice survival on the surface of the Crust, to breath oxygen.  You don't get out of the sphere to live on black matter. You don't fall out of the gravity to say vaccum floating. You certainly don't meets the lines where the Heave and the Earth meets, anything to do the nature of the Temperature, those you die before you leave the Earth. There is no Iron man, double distant than already dead.

Is the geography about the world, or the Earth? The land and the water?

Geo, GPS, You speaking English? You mean the ocean contains within are the sea creature. Correct. And? So that would be part of eco-sphere. And? That is weather influences? Anything above the surface of the land or the water, its the air. Only air exist where God put the human body walking 4 limbs on the ground. Not the water. So geography its the Land? The surface of every line you see, are just the land or the be honest. So the definition of the geography, like National Geography... Its your impression whatever you see inside, or else the entire TV channel will cease to exist, you just need to challenge them is that the water, or the land, or ....the Air? You are military?