
Showing posts from October 24, 2021

Climate Change - the Gravity

  The gravity hold the clouds down. The gravity makes the ground stay grounding sandy.... The gravity makes the water bounds to the sea floor, not turbulence to the sky every 5 minutes.  So is gravity a factor in Climate Change? Of course not. It binds things on the ground. Its a force, its not a phenomenon. Climate change is a phenomenon.

Climate Change - Moutain Wind

  Is the mountain mist, a wind type? No. Its a cloud type.

Climate Change - Water Pressure

  Is sea water pressure a climate change factor? No. Is sea water pressure just the breathing problem? Yes. Do you choke when the sea water pressure becomes too great. Do you know how to swim? Yes. No. But if your muscle got affected unconsciously, like at the deep sea, even if you are going down never know what will happen. Does the deep sea blacken? Yes. Does the sunlight penetrate to the deep sea floor if we let the sun directly expose from the top surface water. Of course not. Only the shallow water has some sunlight, in which temperature is also warmer, some biological marine life will know that as a fact.